Trade Union

Registered trade-union committee is composed of 350 members as on 17/07/2020. In workshops and structural divisions of society are 4 workshop committee and trade union organizations 1.

Chairman of Trade Union Committee of JSC "Indorama Kokand Fertilizers and Chemicals " Khamdamov Ilkhomjon Ibrokhimovich working at the company since 2016.

It should be noted that ascertaining a mutual interest in improving the financial and legal status of employees of JSC "Indorama Kokand Fertilizers and Chemicals " ", management and trade union committee have combined their efforts to improve the socio-economic interests of workers, provided by the implementation of legislation and collective agreements society.

The trade union committee and the management company operate side by side, working closely with all the services of the Company, whose assistance is indispensable in addressing many issues.